To register for one of our athlete programs, please follow our 4 step registration process.
1) Fill out the registration form below
2) Sign up for a Danvers Indoor Sports Membership at (details below)
3) Fill out our Release and Waiver of Liability form
4) Submit payment for program. Checks should be dropped off at our facility: 150R Andover Street in Danvers. Venmo payments should be paid to our business account @repertoirefitness. Pay by check and receive a discounted rate on our programs.
Danvers Indoor Sports Membership Fee $50
*purchase mandatory upon start date
A $40 Danvers Indoor Sports membership is to be purchased by each athlete. This fee is only once a year and it covers liability fees for us to train our athletes on the soccer fields and basketball courts. DIS is extremely lenient with our athletes’ busy schedules and allows us to provide proper training using their facility throughout the day to all of our athletes. If your athlete has signed up for a membership within the past you DO NOT need to purchase another.
Individual membership – this is good for those who intend on only having one members of their family participate, the cost is $50. Family membership – this is intended for families with more than one participate, the cost is $80.
This $50 membership HAS to be purchased online and set up prior to training or athletes cannot participate in any workouts that take place on the field or courts.
How to set up a membership?
1. Athlete’s parent or guardian creates an account by visiting
2. Click “Member Login” in the top right corner then proceed to “Create an account”
3. Parent or guardian must create their personal account.
4. Once you have created your personal account please select “Add Child” and input athlete’s information.
5. Click on the registration tab in the top right corner, read and sign the waiver form, then select the child you are trying to register.
6. Select “Danvers Indoor Sports” in the top left corner.
7. Where it says “Membership” select “Purchase Membership”.
8. Select which membership suits your family and continue the checkout process. You should receive confirmation of your account and membership.
Please note: Athletes who miss their regularly scheduled session can make up their session with the approval of day and time with one of the trainers. Missed or unused sessions can not be carried over to another season.
For Application to be complete the following must be completed in to hold a spot for the athlete: payment, waiver form, registration form, Danvers Indoor Sports membership.